Folks, it’s been a long pandemic, and the TabyanInn has not escaped unscathed. Still, like everyone else, we are trying to get by until COVID passes.

It’s Been A Long Year And A Half

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit last year, none of us knew how it would turn out. Just like everyone else, we watched the news, and tried to take care of ourselves and families. It was confusing, scary and hard to figure out what to really do.

We got through the first panic, worked from home a bit, and settled in for the long haul, but we both ended up going back into the office full time in June. We got food delivered a lot, ate at home a lot, too, and generally hunkered down.

Then we both got vaccinated in March, and started going out more. We even went on a couple trips this year–to Florida. We were still very careful, and made sure to get tested after we got back. Things were looking up.

We Lost My Father In January

Still, even though we all tried to be careful, my father passed away from COVID in January. I got the call that he needed to go to the ER on Christmas Night, and by January 3rd, he had passed.

It has been very hard on us all, especially since we lost him right before the vaccines became available. Even worse, while I was able to see him once after he got sick–we were not able to see him while he was in the hospital. That was the roughest part.

And this heartache has been multiplied 600,000 times in the US, and over a million times across the world. Anyone who says this is just the flu, or no big deal, is someone who has their head in the sand and is not looking at reality.

One good note, though, is that my sister moved from Fayetteville, AR to OKC this year! We’re really happy she moved here, and can have some family time with her on a more regular basis.

Waiting To See What the Future Holds

Even after all that, just like everyone else–we started to see some light at the end of tunnel. We started going out more, went on those two trips… and then Delta hit us all. Now we are starting to work at home again, stay home more and generally be much more careful again.

Once again, we are waiting to see what the future will hold for us all. The last year has been trying for us–for everyone–but we have to press on. Hopefully Delta will die down before Christmas, and let us have some sort of decent holiday season. If not, well, we’ll get by–and look forward to next summer.
