Recently, #theamazingtt (Traci) broke her ankle in the front yard. She’s OK, but the injury has led to a bit of a setback to our plans for the summer!

What Happened?

Well, Traci was walking across the yard to get the trash bins, stepped in a hole and rolled her ankle. She went down, and a neighbor thankfully helped her. He got her phone for her, and my sister Cyd took her first to Urgent Care and then to the Emergency Room.

Luckily, Traci only broke the lower part of her tibia, and not any actual ankle bones. So she did not need surgery, or even a cast. She just needed to wear an orthopedic boot for 8 weeks.

We Are Getting By

And we are. It could have been a lot worse, so we are very grateful about that. Still, there are naturally ups and downs as we go through the healing process. Traci is doing really well with that, all things considered.

I have been trying to keep up with the house and yard work, but it is a challenge–we both have a renewed appreciation for all people who have serious injuries! All this can be very inconvenient, but it is nothing we can’t around.

Plans Change

But plans do change. We had planned to do a number of things around the house, and make some little trips around Oklahoma. Mostly Traci just wanted to hang out at the pool and swim.

Now we have to scale these plans back. We have been still going to the pool–Traci can take the boot off and swim–but we pretty much did not do a lot else in June. As she recovers more, she can hobble around, and we plan to get out more. We can still go look for cabooses, and find places to eat.

As I said, it is a minor setback. We have been lucky, and with a little more luck she will be fully healed up when we head to California for a family reunion in August. Want to thank everyone for their well wishes and prayers, and help along the way. You all are great!
